Digital Advisor Workstation, 2025
Design a financial advisor workstation for Innova Solutions. This workstation should allow advisors to efficiently compile portfolios and analyze data.
key takeaways

company: Innova Solutions
team: Chermia Mathis, Madeleine Tran
duration: 8 Weeks
role: Product Design Intern

This project came to our design team at Innova Solutions from an internal department. We were asked to design a financial advisor workstation that has a desktop and mobile application.
The sales team that brought this project to us, asked us to look into other financial advisor applications to find innovative solutions to current advisor pain points. We analyzed each application and created our design criteria.

Using our design criteria, our team created the application's logo and brand guidelines. These guidelines closely resemble the Innova Solution brand because it is an in-house client. I came up with this dynamic and rounded logo that is simplistic but also captures the theme of financial data.

The sales team requested an application that was reactive for both desktop and mobile. Using the brand guidelines and the workflow they gave us, we began iterating on these screens.

The sales team requested an application that was reactive for both desktop and mobile. Using the brand guidelines and the workflow they gave us, we began iterating on these screens.


key takeaways
1. Real-world UX/UI project with a client.
2. Working with a team to create a cohesive product.
3. Designing with figma components, animations, and DAWS brand guidelines.
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